Small Group Sessions


High School MTSS: From Frustration to Focused

9:00 AM–9:55 AM Oct 22, 2019 (US - Central)

Room 401, PCC


Normal West High School and Normal Communtity High School were frustrated with how the elementary and middle school models of RtI did not fit a high school setting so they developed a MTSSW system that works for them. We will discuss the history of how we developed our system as well as the roles, responsibilities, and support that we have created over the last 7 years to meet the needs of out students.

Our previous system relied on individual teachers with help from a guidance counselor or administrator to help students that were failing classes. We now utilize a team of individuals that meet every week to take a holistic look at identified students and have a variety of viable support to offer them. We created a system of data collection that includes consistent progress monitoring and 6 week progress checks to see if the supports are working. These supports are all within our schoold ay and work with the credit system that is used to move them towards graduation

